SK-6 (小型賽車 KARTING)
帽體 Shell: cLc
規格 Standard: Snell K
尺碼 Size: XS - XL
日本製造. Made in Japan
ARAI作為在F1賽場上的主導頭盔,保護F1世界冠軍維特爾,阿隆索及巴頓等,讓ARAI獲得很多設計世界級頭盔所需的經驗,並應用到卡丁車專用的SK-6型號。由ARAI專為卡丁車手設計,SK-6使用了ARAI專利極堅硬的cLc (Complex Laminate Construction) 外殼,給你難以想像的安全,舒適和輕量感。SK-6擁有一個極柔軟的EPS Liner,好處是為了讓其卡丁車手感覺更舒適,同時在意外時降低對頭部的衝擊力。Snell K2015 認證。
Being the dominant helmet on the F-1 grid, winning an IRL Championship, and protecting the heads of NASCAR heroes like Gordon, Burton, and Montoya, has put Arai on the receiving end of an abundance of world-class racing-helmet input. And the SK-6 gets the benefits of this input. Designed by Arai specifically for karting, the SK-6 adds a ton of features and advancements to the already-impressive list of its predecessor. You won’t believe the comfort, lightness, and feeling of confidence the SK-6 gives you, thanks to its incredibly strong, proprietary cLc (Complex Laminate Construction) shell. Its strength allowed Arai to give the SK-6 an extremely soft EPS liner for better comfort and impact energy management. If you’re serious about taking your karting to the next level, choose the helmet that’s already there. Snell K2015 certified