FIA 8860-2000 approved
SFI 3.3/5 approved
尺碼 Sizes S-XXL
PUMA的Nomex內衣是當今賽車界最輕,最舒適的內衣之一。長內褲設有彈性和舒適耐用的接縫。汗衫的構造使用了柔軟的針織Nomex III,具有優異的吸濕排汗性能,讓你感到涼爽並增加了保護。
This PUMA’s Nomex underwear is the lightest and most comfortable under garment in the racing industry today. The long underpants features an encapsulated elasticized top and serged seams for comfort and durability. Constructed of soft knit Nomex III, it has superior wicking characteristics keeping you cooler and adding protection that makes that critical difference.